Our mission:

In partnership with Boston Medical Center and UMass Memorial Health System, Cold Feet Warm Hearts offers new socks, shoes, masks and other articles of clothing to those leaving the hospital and those in need.


Hello friends!

I am passionate about helping people in Boston and Worcester. I believe in meeting people wherever they are on their personal health journey. I am committed to keeping a supply of clean socks and shoes at UMass Memorial and Boston Medical Center. Help me bring some relief and join the cause.

Kait Schuster
Founder, Boston Chapter

Why are socks and shoes important?

Access to shoes and socks is often limited for the homeless men and women living in shelters and on the streets. Rain-soaked feet, ill-fitting shoes, constant standing and diseases like diabetes take their toll on the feet of homeless people. Every day, homeless people experience a wide range of foot ailments ranging from trench foot to skin infections, from frostbite to nail diseases. The best way to prevent such conditions is to keep feet clean and dry, which are both very difficult if you spend your days outside.

Cold Feet Warm Hearts Board Members

Kimberly Schuster Founder, Texas Chapter
Kaitlin Schuster Founder, Boston Chapter
Grace Lautz
Sarah Lautz
Hunter Stofer

Let’s help our community, together!

Follow our journey.